Saturday, October 22, 2011

Abrupt Silence

My blog came to an end almost before it started. I had another blog post ready to publish, apart from a photo I needed to shot in world. And I had a list with ideas and topics I wanted to blog.

Then it happened...

I hadn't been able to use InWorldz for a few days, but early morning 22nd July before going to work, I logged in to InWorldz to thank Blad for an invitation he had sent me for his "Grand Opening of Bali Ballroom". But I told him that I would not be able to be online at that time.

A little time before going home from work that same day, I heard the news that a bomb had exploded in Oslo. When I reached home, news started to arrive from the youth massacre at Utøya. Of course the plans I and a friend had for cinema and eating in Oslo that same evening (why I couldn't join Blad's "Grand Opening") was canceled. I was home the whole evening, but I was unable to log into a virtual world when the real world was so absurd. I spent a day or two where I updated a thread in the SLU forums about the current Norwegian news about the situation.

I was starting my summer holiday a few days later, and decided I would take a total break from my virtual life until after my holiday. Back from holiday, I still couldn't make myself to log into a virtual world. I felt strong reluctance about it, and after a month since I was last in InWorldz, I decided that I would give up my mainland sim I had owned for over a year. I decided to go to InWorldz to clean and pick up all my belongings on the sim before the region due date for paying. But I still couldn't make myself to log in, and bought myself time by paying tier for another month. Finally I managed to log in, two months after I logged in last time.

Currently I own no sim, and I am on an indefinitely hiatus from all virtual worlds. I might visit again at some time later. I don't know.

Consequently, also my blog is dead.